CSI Initiatives

Key CSI focus areas

At MasterDrive, we recognise the importance of engaging and working in collaboration with the communities in which we operate. Therefore, we continue to play a meaningful role in road safety awareness development.

By investing in the following areas and communities, MasterDrive believes that we can empower and equip communities with the tools and skills required to promote long-term, sustainable development. The company is ensuring that this investment is felt for decades to come.


The Endangered Wildlife Trust is a South African environmental organisation for the conservation of threatened species and ecosystems in Southern Africa.

Wheel Well

Wheel Well focuses exclusively on road safety for children. Hands-on experience with car seats has made them experts in the field. Wheel Well knows your car seat inside and out, from how to use it to how to install it.

Road Ethics Project

The Road Ethics Project focuses on ethical road use and moral responsibilities of road safety. It instils a Vision Zero approach to road deaths, especially in high-use transport modes like minibus taxis and scholar transport.  It also popularises and trains people on the Safe System road safety paradigm.


GRSP is a non-profit organisation hosted by IFRC.  Our members and partners share a vision of a world free of road crash death and injury.